Thursday 16 August 2012

3D Modeling Artworks

These are my Modeling artworks that I have done in The One Academy Modeling subjects. Software used Zbrush, Maya, and Adobe Photoshop. Every sleepless night really payed off in the end. They're not perfect but i did my best. Hope you guys enjoy.

 Done in Modeling 1 subject in 2011
Maya&Adobe Photoshop
(Hard surface Environment) 

Done in Modeling 2 subject in 2011
Maya&Adobe Photoshop
(Hard surface Character) 

Done in CG Modeling subject in 2012
Zbrush&Adobe Photoshop
(High poly Character)

Character Texture
Zbrush&Adobe Photoshop

Character Skinning
Zbrush&Adobe Photoshop

Character Muscle

Done in CG Modeling subject in 2012
Reference from Monster Hunter 
Zbrush&Adobe Photoshop
(High poly Creature)

Creature Texture
Zbrush&Adobe Photoshop

Creature Skinning

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